Friday, December 27, 2013

Important Target Practice Project Update!

Get 'em while they're hot!
Big news! As of 12-27-2013, original vintage paper targets are again available for collaging! If you would like one, and are not yet a member of the Project's Facebook group, please join at,
then note me with your postal address. I'll pop a target in the mail posthaste. If you are already a member of the group and want an additional target, just let me know and one will wing its way to you.
Of course if you work in digital collage, you may continue to download the target file under the "Want a Target?" tab of this blog.
And if you haven't already, please do take a moment to read the Project's backstory, under the "About the Project" tab.
Thanks to all who have so generously given of their time and talent to participate in the Project. It means the world.
Laura Tringali Holmes

Monday, December 23, 2013

Carl Heyward

paper, camera, lens, man
Carl Heyward, USA

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Bolin Zhang and Ken Coleman

...telling it....

Bolin Zhang, Taiwan

We Are All Working Toward The Same Goal

Ken Coleman, France
Three Brief Exercises in Approximating Accuracy

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Artificial-i KBittle and Nikki Soppelsa

Artificial-i KBittle, USA

Nikki Soppelsa, USA
Looks Like We Have a Winner

Moving Targets

The Target-Makers

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Monday, December 2, 2013